Best Carbon Fiber Kayak Paddles

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Your paddle is like an extension of your body and kayak. When you have the right paddle and use the proper technique, you become part of the kayak and turn it into a human-powered machine.

With that in mind, you have to have premium parts for that machine to run efficiently. 

It’s time to trade in your old paddle and upgrade to a swift carbon fiber kayak paddle.

Lightweight, durable and designed to perform, you will see a huge difference in how long you are able to stay out on the water before you get fatigued.

In this article, I am going to give you a handy buyer’s guide so you know how to choose. Then I’ll follow it up with some reviews of the best swift carbon fiber kayak paddles.

Why Choose A Carbon Fiber Paddle?

Kayak paddles made from carbon fiber are known to be the best. Why is that though? To answer that we have to dive into what carbon fiber is and then that will explain why it is considered the best material you can use.

What is carbon fiber?

This fiber is almost like a cloth but made out of carbon atoms that are strung together like a thread. Then these threads are woven into a material. Because it is made out of carbon atoms, instead of something like steel or cotton threads, it is extremely strong, while also being thin and flexible. 

Benefits of using a carbon fiber kayak paddle:

  • Easier to paddle – A carbon fiber paddle can be considerably lighter than an aluminum one and a fiberglass version. Taking this weight off of the paddle can make it much easier to complete a stroke. Then consider that you will be making thousands of strokes over the course of the day and you can see how much easier it is to paddle with carbon fiber.
  • Better performance – It is much easier to keep your perfect stroke through the course of the day when you use a top-quality paddle. Your technique counts for a lot so the easier it is to maintain good form the more water you can cover.
  • More enjoyable – Think about when you are fatigued from paddling and what the outing feels like after a while. You’re tired so instead of it being an adventure it becomes a struggle to simply get back to the launch. When you are less fatigued, then the whole experience is fun because you can focus on the parts that you enjoy more fully.

How To Choose The Right Size

If you get the wrong size paddle then any problems you may have with a heavier or less durable paddle becomes all the greater.

Having the right size paddle combined with it being carbon fiber is as good as it gets and will have you paddling further, faster and with less fatigue than ever before. 


Sizes range from 180cm to 240cm carbon fiber kayak paddle. What length depends on your torso height and which angle you prefer your stroke to be. 

A high angle stroke where you plunge the blade into the water requires a shorter kayak paddle. 

If you want easy strokes then a low angle is the way to go so you’ll need a longer kayak paddle.

Blade Size

This also ties into the type of stroke angle you prefer. To go fast, you’ll want to use a high angle stroke so a bigger, wider blade will pull a lot of water which will have you traveling fast. 

If you plan to have an easy day on the water and need to move silently, for fishing for example, then a low angle stroke is preferred. In this case, you’ll want a thinner blade that doesn’t disrupt the water too much.

Aqua-Bound Sting Ray Carbon 2-Piece Posi-Lok

At just over 30 ounces, this is a very lightweight paddle that won’t weigh you down. At the same time, it has a ton of other features to make it an easy to use tool that you’ll find indispensable on your outings.

Take the adjustable ferrules for instance. There are no metal parts, just durable composite that allows you to adjust the feathering of the blades. With easy to see and feel markings so you can set the blade angle wherever you want. 

With most paddles, you are forced into only a few different positions for feathering, but the Sting Ray offers unlimited angles due to the unique Posi Lok system.

And it won’t rust into place or give you any trouble to turn when it is wet with salt water.

Both the shaft and the blades are made out of lightweight carbon fiber, with the blades reinforced with nylon.

A 240cm carbon fiber kayak paddle, the Sting Ray is a low angle stroke type paddle. If you are looking for a good fishing paddle then this one should definitely be on your radar.

I think the price is also a great selling point. Aqua-Bound makes good paddles that don’t break the bank and this is no exception. The price is great for the features and the fact that the entire paddle is made out of carbon fiber. You could easily spend over $100 more for the quality and performance and still feel like it provides good value. 

Werner Tybee 2-Pc Carbon-Reinforced Kayak Paddle

If you’re looking for a high angle paddle that is also made out of carbon fiber then look no further than Werner. This brand is at the forefront of innovation when it comes to making high quality kayak paddles.

An even bigger bonus is the Tybee CF is also very budget friendly. In fact, sometimes you can even find the price lower than the Aqua Bound that I just reviewed above.

The shaft is entirely composed of carbon fiber making it very lightweight at only 33 ounces. And the blades are injection-molded nylon which have been reinforced with carbon fiber.

Although these are high angle, they are still not high performance. If you want to use these as a hybrid touring paddle then you can definitely do that. What’s especially nice is how you can paddle slowly and quietly while fishing, and then change to a higher gear and go for speed when you want without needing to have two different paddles on hand.

It is a two piece and also offers an adjustable feathering with an accurate Smart View ferrule. The dihedral, asymmetrical blades make for a smooth stroke with very precise tracking.

So much went into the design and engineering of this swift carbon fiber kayak paddle that it is a pleasure to paddle. It is ergonomic and strong while offering a slight flex to add to the comfort of the stroke. It gives you pure power when you need it.

Bending Branches Angler Ace Kayak Paddle

The Angler Ace is a bit of an upgrade from the already excellent Angler Classic from Bending Branches. This time the shaft is made out of 100% carbon fiber while the blades are carbon reinforced nylon.

Yo get the same great features of the Classic but now with much less weight and much more durability.

If you plan to do a lot of fishing and need to cover a lot of water, then this is the way to go. You get great performance and it is less likely to cause fatigue while you are hunting down those fish.

The oval shape of the shaft is much easier to grip without causing your hand to cramp since you don’t have to hold it as tightly.

It has a couple of features that fishermen will love. First, the shaft has a ruler so you can measure your catch without needing to break out another ruler. Then there is the hook removal of the blade. It has a small hook carved out of it so you can retrieve your line or hook, or even land the fish without needing to lean out of the kayak. Just hook it with your blade and pull it towards you. It’s a nice safety and convenience feature that doesn’t disrupt your stroke.

It does come in a 240cm carbon fiber kayak paddle size so you can use it for low angle paddling which is ideal for fishing.

Backwater Paddles Assassin Carbon Fiber Paddle

When you need to get a little rough with your paddle, then you really need the Backwater Assasin. It is rugged and durable and even has some features that make it a must for those that like it a little gnarly.

The shaft is all carbon fiber so it is lightweight, but the blade is made out of ABS injected nylon. It has enough flex to not break even when you find yourself among the rocks. In fact, there is even a serrated edge on the blade to give you some purchase against a rock. This way if you need to push off or even keep from banging into them you can use your paddle edge without any worries.

There is even the hook retrieval feature so you can get your line back on deck or even land that fish.

It is a hybrid so it works great when you want to low angle paddle or even go for speed with a high angle stroke. Again, like some of the other reviews pointed out, it is nice to have the option to switch things up without needing to have a second paddle.

Best Marine Carbon Fiber Shaft | Reinforced ABS Blades

For those on a very strict budget but still want a carbon fiber paddle, there is hope. And that hope comes in the form of the Best Marine paddle with a carbon fiber shaft. For the price, there would be no way to also have the blades be made of reinforced carbon fiber, but they are durable ABS injected nylon. 

It’s not a bad compromise considering you are saving well over $100 with this paddle. Especially considering that they even throw in a paddle leash.

You get the same features as the others such as a hook retriever and adjustable feathering so there isn’t much more to add except that it is a solid performer given the price.


If you are in the market for a carbon fiber kayak paddle then any of the five above reviews should have you in good hands. You get great performance, durability and even some very favorable prices.

Carbon fiber designs are really the way to go to make sure you can actually enjoy yourself out on the water. Without the weight savings, you will definitely feel like you have to get back to the launch mush earlier. By shaving off up to a half pound in some cases, that little bit of weight can make a huge difference in how long it takes you to get fatigued.

If you have any questions let me know by adding a comment to the box below and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

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